Dr. Ender Ferenc

Deputy Head of Department, Associate Professor
H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., QB323
Phone: (+36-1-463)3072
Publications: MTMT »


Name: Dr. Ferenc Ender

PhD in Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineer, Biomedical Engineer

Date of birth: 1985

Higher education

  • 2011-2016 Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering Sciences, Budapest University of
 Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2008-2010 Biomedical Engineer Dual Degree MSc from Budapest University of Technology 
 and Economics, Budapest, Hungary and Semmelweis Medical University,
 Budapest, Hungary
  • 2004-2009 Electrical Engineer MSc from Budapest University of Technology and
 Economics, Budapest, Hungary

Relevant ongoing projects

  • FED4SAE Project manager 
The ambition of FED4SAE is to boost and sustain the digitization of the European industry by strengthening competitiveness in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and embedded system markets.
  • Programme operator of SSI+ - Smart Systems Integration Plus Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Hungary
  • EuroCPS IE Project manager, BME, Dept. of Electron Devices
    EuroCPS H2020 project is a cascade funding scheme for innovative SMEs.

Board memberships

  • Board of the Biomedical Engineering Programme at BME
  • EMAB (European MSc Academic Board), responsible for the coordination of SSI 



  • Operative manager of Smart Systems Integration Plus MSc programme
  • Taugh subjects in English: MEMS&IC Design, Complex Design, Virtual Instrumentation, Testing and Validation 
  • Responsible lecturer of Virtual Instrumentation for Biomedical Engineers course (taught Hungarian)