Dr. Mizsei János

Professor Emeritus
H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., QB324
Phone: (+36-1-463)2715
Publications: MTMT »


Biography: János Mizsei was born in Jaszladany, Hungary, in 1952. He received his diploma in electrical engineering (1976), „Dr. Techn.” degree (1979), „PhD” (1995) from the Technical University of Budapest, the „candidate for techn. Science” (1987) and the „doctor of science” degree (2003) from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He has worked at the Department of Electron Devices of the Technical University of Budapest since 1977. He had a sabbatical year at the Enterprise for Microelecronics, Budapest. His main subjects of interests are semiconductor technology (investigation and education), electron devices included solar cells, surface physics of semiconductors and semiconductor gas sensors.

Professional Preparation: Hung. Acad. of Sci., Doctor of sci. 2004 Budapest University of Technology Habilitation 2003 Budapest University of Technology Electrical Engineering Ph.D. 1995 Hung. Acad. of Sci. Candidate of Sci. 1987 Budapest University of Technology Electrical Engineering M.S. 1977 Budapest University of Technology Electrical Engineering B.S. 1976
 2022- professor emeritus. 2004-2022 Budapest University of Technology, prof. 1992-2004 Budapest University of Technology, assoc. prof. 1983-1992 Budapest University of Technology, senior lecturer 1977-1983 Budapest University of Technology, assistant lecturer
Total number of publications:
independently mentioned in reference lists: 
Sabbatical year
at the Enterprise for Microelecronics, Budapest, 1981-82
Main subjects of interests: semiconductor technology (investigation and education), electron devices included solar cells, surface physics of semiconductors and semiconductor gas sensors.
Recent activities: work function measurements on solid surfaces by vibrating capacitor (Kelvin) method for investigating surface potentials of catalitically activated semiconductor gas sensors, the energy gap of the high Tc superconductors, light induced surface potential transients on ultrathin (tunnel) oxide covered Si surfaces and porous Si layers, developing the scanning version of the vibrating capacitor method for generating olfactory images from the surface potentials, surface mapping of silicon wafers, nanocrystallines produced by agglomeration of ultrathin metal layers for activating semiconductor sensors, other scanning methods for surface mapping.  
hungarian as mother tongue, English (good) finnish, russian (poor)


semiconductor devices, VO2 thermal electrical systems
solar cells and renewable energy sources
semiconductor chemical sensors
semiconductor wafer testing

Research activity

His main fields of interest are semiconductor technology, theory of electron devices, surface physics of semiconductors, gas sensors, and different surface imaging methods.
Recent activities:
work function measurements on solid surfaces by vibrating capacitor (Kelvin) method for investigating surface potentials of catalitically activated semiconductor gas sensors,  light induced surface potential transients on ultrathin (tunnel) oxide covered Si surfaces and porous Si layers, developing the scanning version of the vibrating capacitor method for generating olfactory images from the surface potentials, surface mapping of silicon wafers (up to 30 cm diameter), nanocrystallines produced by agglomeration of ultrathin metal layers for activating semiconductor sensors, other scanning methods for surface mapping.
Articles on the web
(printed in Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Thin Solid Films, Vacuum, Sensors and Actuators B, Solid State Electronics, click on titles for details and abstracts): Chemical imaging by direct methods Fermi-level pinning and passivation on the oxide-covered and bare silicon surfaces and interfaces Chemical images by artificial olfactory epithelia In situ AFM, XRD and Resistivity Studies of the Agglomeration of Sputtered Silver Nanolayers Ultra-thin insulator covered silicon: potential barriers and tunnel currents Structural transformations of ultra-thin sputtered Pd activator layers on glass and SnO2 surfaces Determination of SiO2-Si interface trap level density (Dit) by vibrating capacitor method Examination of the CO/Pt/Cu layer structure with Kelvin probe and XPS analysis Nanocatalyst sensitizers by agglomeration of nanofilms Surface potential mapping: comparison of the vibrating capacitor and the SPV method Olfactory images by scanning Kelvin method Structural studies of sputtered noble metal catalysts on oxide surfaces H2-induced surface and interface potentials on Pd-activated SnO2 sensor films How can sensitive and selective semiconductor gas sensors be made? Response pattern of SnO2 sensor system for smoke of different origins Activating technology of SnO2 layers by metal particles from ultrathin metal films Reply to "Comments on 'Surface potential transients of ultrathin SiO2-Si structures'" H2S monitoring as an air pollutant with silver-doped SnO2 thin-film sensors Surface potential transients of ultrathin SiO2-Si structures Simultaneous response of work function and resistivity of some SnO2-based samples to H2 and H2S Semiconducting gas sensor incorporating a sparking decomposer Resistivity and work function measurements on Pd-doped SnO2 sensor surface