The Department of Electron Devices of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics is the only Department in the Hungarian higher education where research and education is carried out in all the fields of the theory, design, manufacturing and testing of semiconductor devices, micro- and nanoelectronics, VLSI electronics, semiconductor sensors, energy transfer systems, microelectronic mechanical systems (MEMS) and systems in a package (SiP). In the fields of Computer Science our specialties are Computer Aided Design in Micro and nanoelectronics and internet based communication research.
A special field of activity of the Department is related to the multiphysical, especially thermal, electro-thermal, thermo-optical issues in electronics, micro and nanoelectronics. In this area our department is one of the best known research centers worldwide.
Our mission is to continue our high level research efforts as well as our educational activities in the above fields: to integrate the most recent scientific result in our curricula and through the PhD programs of our faculty to involve more and more freshly graduated young research engineers in our scientific activities in broad international cooperation.