Head of Department Dr. Poppe András Head of Department Professor QB326 (+36-1-463)2721 Dr. Ender Ferenc Deputy Head of Department Associate Professor QB323 (+36-1-463)2978 Professor Emeriti Dr. Mizsei János Professor Emeritus QB324 (+36-1-463)2715 Dr. Rencz Márta Professor Emerita QB325 (+36-1-463)2727 Dr. Zólomy Imre Professor Emeritus QB324 (+36-1-463)2715 Lecturers and Researchers Dr. Bognár György Associate Professor QB330 (+36-1-463)2714 Dr. Hosszú Gábor Associate Professor, habil. QB321 (+36-1-463)2724 Dr. Plesz Balázs Associate Professor QB320 (+36-1-463)2796 Dr. Pohl László Associate Professor QB319 (+36-1-463)2719 Dr. Ress Sándor Associate Professor QB330 (+36-1-463)2714 Dr. Szabó Péter Gábor Associate Professor QB330 (+36-1-463)2714 Dr. Takács Gábor Associate Professor QB317 (+36-1-463)2720 Dr. Benedek András Research Fellow QB319 Berényi Csaba Engineer QB319 Deák Elemér Dávid Assistant Lecturer PhD student QB312 (+36-1-463)3072 Dr. Hantos Gusztáv Senior Lecturer QB323 (+36-1-463)2978 Dr. Hegedüs János Research Fellow QB317 (+36-1-463)2798 Dr. Horváth Péter Senior Lecturer QB317 (+36-1-463)2798 Kohári Zsolt Research Fellow QB318 (+36-1-463)2992 Kovács Zoltán György Assistant Lecturer QB317 (+36-1-463)2798 Dr. Németh Márton Research Fellow QB322 (+36-1-463)1868 Dr. Neumann Péter Lajos Senior Lecturer QB320 (+36-1-463)2796 Dr. Pálovics Péter Research Fellow QB322 (+36-1-463)1868 Rózsás Gábor ass. research fellow QB320 (+36-1-463)2726 Salamon Ádám Assistant Lecturer PhD student QB312 Vági Richárd ass. research fellow QB317 (+36-1-463)2720 Dr. Végh Gerzson Research Fellow QB318 (+36-1-463)2992 PhD students Khafajy Osama PhD student QB313 (+36-1-463)3073 Administrative and technical staff Cseh Mária Assistant QB315 (+36-1-463)2702 Némethné Bokányi Ildikó Assistant QB316 (+36-1-463)1870 Ravasz-Tóth Gertrúd Assistant QB327 (+36-1-463)1441 Tóth-Blum Adél Assistant QB327 (+36-1-463)2730