Dr. Pálovics Péter
Research Fellow
H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., QB322
Phone: (+36-1-463)1868
E-mail: palovics.peter@vik.bme.hu
Publications: MTMT »
Birth place, date: Budapest, 12.05.1992
- PhD, 2021, BME Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering MSc, 2016, BME-VIK EET
- research fellow, 2022- (BME-VIK EET)
- assoc. res. fellow, 2019-2022 (BME-VIK EET)
Numerical simulations:
- Coupled simulations of MEMS devices in ANSYS (e.g. electrostatic-structural, piezoelectric or piezoresistive analysis)
- Reduced Order Model (ROM) preparation and usage for MEMS devices in ANSYS
- Basics of CFD simulations (ANSYS Fluent and OpenFOAM)
Research activity
Numerical modelling of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in microfluidic devices:
- particle based CFD-DPM simulations on the microscopic scale
- modelling the MNP suspension with two-phase CFD simulations on the macroscopic scale
Investigating the heat transfer of solar panels:
- conjugate heat transfer (CHT) simulations of solar panels and the surrounding wind