Dr. Pohl László
2019-: Associate professor (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2012-2019: Senior lecturer (assistant professor) (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2005-2012: Research assistant (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2000-2002: Research assistant (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
2002-2005: PhD student of the Department of Electron Devices (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
1994-2000 Budapest University of Technology and Economics Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics; Majoring in Electronic Engineering; Major module: MEMS and circuit modules; Minor module: Economics; degree: M.Sc. of electronic engineering
Hungarian: mother tongue
English: intermediate-level
French: intermediate-level
Programming languages
C, C++
Pascal (Delphi)
Teacher of English subjects:
- BMEVIEED072 Thermal Characterisation of Electronic and Microsystems, lecturer
- BMEVIEEAA00 Basics of Programming 1., instructor
- Project laboratory, thesis, PhD supervisor
Course coordinator:
- BMEVIEEA024 Programozás
- BMEVIEEA026 Programozás 2
- BMEVIEEAV01 C11 és C++11 programozás
Teacher of Hungarian subjects:
- BMEVIEEAA00 Basics of Programming 1., lecturer, instructor
- instructor in various programming subjectst
- Project laboratory, thesis, PhD supervisor
Research activity
- Applying the successive network reduction method for simulation of thermal and electro-thermal problems of IC packages, MEMS, OLEDs and other structures.
- Development of the virtual organism computer and the entity-based programming paradigm.
Other responsibilities
- responsible for the education of the department, member of the Education Committee of the faculty
- responsible for the library of the departement,
- deputy NEPTUN administrator of the department