Dr. Rencz Márta
Márta Rencz received the electrical engineering degree and the Ph.D. degree from the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, and the Dr of MTA degree from the Hungarian Academy of Science. She has received the Dr Honoris Causa degree from Tallinn Politechnic in 2013 .
She is professor at the Technical University of Budapest, and between 2005-2014 she served as the Head of the Department of Electron Devices. She created with colleagues Micred Ltd in 1997 and was the CEO of it until in 2008 it has been aquired by Mentor Graphics. Currently she holds also a Director position at Mentor Graphics.
Her latest research interests include the thermal investigation of ICs and MEMS, thermal sensors, thermal testing, thermal simulation, thermal model generation, electro-thermal simulation. She has been leading researcher in more than 10 succesfully finished international research projects. Currently she works in the EuroCPS H2020 ICT and the Delphi4LED ECSEL projects, and the Smart Systems Integration Erasmus Mundus Joint Master project.
For her research results in thermal modeling she has received in 2001 the Harvey Rosten Award of Excellence from the electronics thermal management community in San Jose, CA, USA. In 2015 she has received the Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal of ASME, in Houston, TX, USA. In 2016 she has received the Szent-Gyorgyi Albert Award of the Minister of Education, Budapest.
She is a member of IEEE and ASME. She is Organizing Committee and Program Committee member of several international conferences and workshops. She has published her theoretical and practical results in more than 3oo technical papers.
Since 1973 she has been delivering lectures and consulting students both in Hungarian and in English language in the following subjects:
- Computer programming
- Semiconductor Physics
- Computed Aided Design
- Electronics
- Microelectronics, etc...
Research activity
Recent fields of interest:
- Study of thermal and electro-thermal effects in microelectronic structures
- Thermal testing and qualification of electronic systems
- Modelling of thermal effects in electronic systems
- Thermal simulation of IC-s and MEMS
- Electro-thermal simulation of IC-s and MEMS
- Multi-port thermal modelling of IC packages
Involvement in research projects in the last 15 years as participant or principal investigator Projects completed BARMINT ESPRIT III, THERMINIC Copernicus BALATON I. TéT OMFB-BARMINT HIPERLOGIC ESPRIT IV, BALATON II. TéT AIR-FORCE principal investigator OMFB-HIPERLOGIC OTKA T 025817 principal investigator MKM PFP 4346/97 principal investigator TALENT (MEMS
design and modeling) ESPRIT IV DETERMIN Copernicus KIT 7108 PROFIT (Prediction of Temperature gradients, influencing the quality of electronic products) Fr5 IST-12529
REASON (Research and training action for SoC design) Fr 5 IST, INFOTERM (Az információ technológia berendezéseinek termikus minősítésére szolgáló új eljárások és műszercsalád fejlesztése),BALATON III.F8/2001 témavezető 2/0018/2001 NKFP-200120030193, PATENT( Packaging,Test and Reliability Engineering in Micro & Nanosystem Technologies)Fr 6 IST-1-507255, témavezető
Running projects:
- NANOPACK NAno Packaging technology for Interconnect and Heat Dissipation, Fr7 IP 216176
- FAst2Light Developement of new organic LED types
Granted new projects
- EUREKA CAtrene Hidralon:Nagy dinamikájú és alacsony zajú CMOS képfelvevők fejlesztése
- ENIAC projects:
- SE2A NAnoelectrnics for Safe,fuel efficient and Envisonment Friendly Automotive Solutions
- Jemsip3D: Joint equipment and materials for NANoelectronics
Other responsibilities
- past head of the department
- representative of the department in the doctoral board of the faculty