Dr. Végh Gerzson
Research Fellow
H-1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2., QB318
Phone: (+36-1-463)2992
E-mail: vegh.gerzson@vik.bme.hu
Publications: MTMT »
Name: Dr. Gerzson VÉGH
Electrical Engineer
Date of birth: 1958
He obtained his MSc degree in electrical engineering in 1983 from the Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He obtained University doctoral degree in 1990. Working experience: 1983-1986 Researcher at TUB Department of Electron Devices with scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His research filed was ion sensitive field effect transistor. 1993-1994 Guest researcher at IMEC (Leuven, Belgium) where he was dealing with defects in Si especially investigation of irradiation induced defects in silicon, with the scholarship of the National Committee for Technological Development (OMFB). 1986- Since 1986 he is with the TUB-DED as researcher.